CC Email refers to the practice of sending a copy of an email to additional recipients beyond the primary recipient. It's used in both professional and personal settings.


'CC' in 'CC Email' stands for 'Carbon Copy'. It is a term used in email correspondence to send a copy of an email to one or more recipients beyond the primary recipient(s). It is a way of keeping other relevant individuals in the loop, even if they're not the direct addressee of the message.

Usage and Context

CC Email is used in both professional and personal settings. In a professional setting, it is commonly used to keep colleagues or superiors informed about ongoing email conversations or developments. In a personal setting, it can be used to share information or updates with multiple people simultaneously.

When you CC someone on an email, the CC'd individual receives exactly the same email as the primary recipient. All the CC'd recipients can see who else has been CC'd on the email. It's important to use this feature wisely to avoid cluttering people's inboxes and to respect privacy.


What is the difference between CC and BCC?

While 'CC' allows you to send a copy of the email to additional recipients visibly, 'BCC' or 'Blind Carbon Copy' lets you do the same but invisibly. That is, other recipients will not know that a BCC'd individual has also received the email.

Can CC'd recipients reply to an email?

Yes, CC'd recipients can reply to the email. However, it's considered good email etiquette to reply only when necessary or when the email directly pertains to them.

Related Software

Most email clients, including Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail, have the CC feature. It's usually found in the same area where you input the primary recipient's email address.


Using CC Email can enhance communication and ensure transparency in both professional and personal settings. It can help keep all relevant parties informed about important conversations or updates.


CC Email is a useful feature that allows for broadened communication. However, it's important to use it judiciously to respect the inbox space and privacy of others.

Related Terms

Email Etiquette

Email etiquette refers to the code of conduct guiding behavior when writing or responding to emails, ensuring clear, respectful, and professional communication.
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