A conversion funnel is a framework used in e-commerce to describe the customer's journey from awareness to conversion.


A conversion funnel, also known as a sales funnel, is a term used in e-commerce to describe the journey that a consumer takes through an internet advertising or search system, navigating an e-commerce website and finally converting to a sale. The 'funnel' analogy is used because, as a marketer, you are trying to draw in as many users as possible (the wide end of the funnel), and then guide them through various stages of engagement to eventually convert a portion of them into customers (the narrow end of the funnel).

Usage and Context

In the context of online marketing, a conversion funnel is a useful framework for analyzing your customer's journey on your website. It helps marketers visualize and understand the flow and behavior of potential customers, from the moment they land on the website to the point where they complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a whitepaper.


What are the stages of a conversion funnel?

The typical stages of a conversion funnel include awareness, interest, consideration, conversion, and retention. However, these stages can vary based on the specific business model and marketing strategy.

Why is a conversion funnel important?

A conversion funnel is important because it provides insights into the customer journey. It helps marketers identify where potential customers are dropping off, allowing them to make necessary improvements to increase conversions.

Related Software

Some of the popular software tools used for tracking and optimizing conversion funnels include Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, and Mixpanel. These tools provide detailed insights into user behavior and help identify potential bottlenecks in the conversion process.


Understanding and optimizing your conversion funnel can lead to several benefits including increased conversions, improved customer experience, and a better return on marketing investment. It allows businesses to identify and focus on the most effective marketing strategies, leading to improved overall performance.


In conclusion, a conversion funnel is a powerful tool for understanding and improving your customer's journey on your website. It provides valuable insights that can help you increase conversions and improve your overall marketing strategy.

Related Terms

BR (Bounce Rate)

Bounce Rate (BR) is a digital marketing term that represents the percentage of visitors who enter a website and then leave without viewing other pages.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is a web analytics metric that represents the percentage of visitors who leave a site after viewing only one page. It's a measure of a website's effectiveness in retaining visitors.

Bounce Rate Analysis

Bounce Rate Analysis is a method used to measure the behavior of website visitors. It is an essential tool for improving website engagement and SEO ranking.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is a systematic process that increases the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, thus improving a website's effectiveness.

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is a key metric in digital marketing, measuring the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action. Learn more about CRO.

Customer Journey

The 'Customer Journey' is the process a consumer goes through from awareness to purchase of a product or service. It's essential for tailoring marketing strategies.

Customer Journey Analyst

A Customer Journey Analyst is a professional who maps, analyzes, and optimizes the customer journey to improve customer satisfaction, sales, and loyalty.

Customer Journey Analytics

Customer Journey Analytics is a data-driven approach to analyze the path a customer takes from first contact to the final conversion point.

Customer Journey Automation

Customer Journey Automation is a process that uses technology to automate and optimize every step of a customer's journey with a business.

Customer Journey Director

A Customer Journey Director is a professional who oversees and optimizes the customer's experience with a brand, improving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

Customer Journey Manager

A Customer Journey Manager oversees the customer's experience within a business, ensuring a positive and engaging journey from the first contact to purchase and beyond.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping is a visual tool that helps businesses understand their customer's experience and identify areas for improvement.

Customer Journey Mapping Solutions

Customer Journey Mapping Solutions refer to tools and strategies used to visualize and improve the customer interaction process with a business.

Customer Journey Strategist

A Customer Journey Strategist is a professional who optimizes the customer's experience with a company, driving growth and profitability.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting and converting prospects into interested leads for a company's product or service.

Lead Generation Automation

Lead Generation Automation refers to the use of software to automate the process of identifying and nurturing potential customers.

Lead Generation Manager

A Lead Generation Manager is a professional who oversees and coordinates an organization's lead generation efforts. They strategize and implement initiatives to attract potential customers.

Lead Generation Specialist

A Lead Generation Specialist is a professional who uses marketing strategies to attract and convert prospects into potential customers.

Lead Generation Website

A Lead Generation Website is a digital platform designed to attract and convert users into prospective customers or leads.

Social Media Lead Generation

Social Media Lead Generation is a marketing strategy that uses social media platforms to attract potential customers, nurture them, and convert them into paying customers.

Tools for Customer Journey Mapping

Explore the definition, usage, benefits, and related software of Tools for Customer Journey Mapping, which helps businesses understand and enhance the customer experience.

Upsell Conversion Rate

Upsell Conversion Rate is a KPI that measures the effectiveness of upselling strategies. It's used to increase average order value and boost revenue.

User Behavior Analysis

User Behavior Analysis is a process that studies user's interaction with a system to understand their behavior, preferences, and identify patterns.
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