Email spam, also known as junk email, is unsolicited bulk messages sent through email. This term includes the definition, usage, FAQs, related software, benefits, and conclusion.


Email spam, also known as junk email, is unsolicited bulk messages sent through email. The term 'spam' is derived from a famous Monty Python sketch where Spam (a brand of canned ham) is ubiquitous and inescapable. Similarly, email spam is frustratingly omnipresent in the digital world. It's important to note that not all bulk email is spam. Only unsolicited and indiscriminately sent emails qualify as spam.

Usage and Context

In the context of email, 'spam' refers to an array of abuses. Most commonly, it's used to spread malware, phishing, email spoofing, or spamdexing. Many email spam messages are commercial in nature but may also contain disguised links that appear to be for familiar websites but, in fact, lead to phishing web sites or sites that are hosting malware.


What is the purpose of email spam?

The purpose of email spam varies. Some people use it to sell dubious products, or services because it's cheaper to send emails than regular mail. Others use spam to defraud people or to spread harmful software.

How can I protect myself from email spam?

Protecting yourself from spam is crucial. You can start by not opening emails from unknown senders, not clicking on links in suspicious emails, and not downloading attachments from unknown senders. It's also recommended to use email services that offer spam filtering.

Related Software

There are several effective anti-spam software options available, such as MailWasher, SpamTitan, and Barracuda Email Security. These software help protect your inbox from spam and other threats.


While spam is generally seen as a nuisance, it has led to the development of advanced email filters and spam detection algorithms. This has resulted in more robust email systems and has also increased awareness about online scams and phishing attacks.


Email spam is an ongoing issue in the digital world. However, by being vigilant, using reliable anti-spam software, and following best practices, users can significantly reduce the threats posed by email spam.

Related Terms

Email Spoofing

Email spoofing is a technique used in cybercrime where the sender's address is altered to appear from a different source.
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