Lifetime Customer Value is a prediction of the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer, considering the customer's revenue value and the company's predicted customer lifespan.


Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) is a prediction of the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account. It considers a customer's revenue value and compares that number to the company's predicted customer lifespan. Businesses use this metric to identify significant customer segments that are the most valuable over time.

Usage and Context

LCV is used widely across different industries and is especially relevant in businesses where customer acquisition is costly. Companies use it to determine how much they are willing to spend to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. It helps in making strategic decisions about sales, marketing, product development, and customer support.

For instance, if a company knows that a customer segment brings them a high LCV, they might invest more in satisfying those customers. They could also use it to segment their market and personalize their communication to different customer groups.


What does Lifetime Customer Value represent?

Lifetime Customer Value represents the total revenue a company can expect from a single customer over the lifetime of their business relationship.

How is LCV calculated?

LCV is calculated by multiplying the customer value (average purchase value times average purchase frequency) by the average customer lifespan.

Why is LCV important?

LCV is important because it helps businesses understand the economic value a customer brings over their lifetime, enabling them to make informed decisions about their sales and marketing strategies.

Related Software

Software like Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, and Customer Lifetime Value Calculator can help businesses calculate and track their LCV.


Understanding LCV can help businesses better allocate their marketing and sales resources, improve customer retention strategies, and increase profitability.


In conclusion, Lifetime Customer Value is a crucial metric that businesses can use to measure the profitability of their customers over the long term. By understanding LCV, companies can make strategic decisions to maximize their profits.

Related Terms

CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)

Learn about Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), a key business metric that helps in understanding the cost of acquiring a new customer.

CAC:LTV (Customer Acquisition Cost to Lifetime Value Ratio)

The CAC:LTV ratio is a business metric assessing the cost of acquiring a new customer against the revenue they generate over their lifetime.

Customer Acquisition

Customer Acquisition is the process of gaining new customers through different marketing strategies. It's a vital function for any business growth.

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty refers to the likelihood of repeat customers choosing a specific brand or company over its competitors. It is beneficial for business growth and profitability.

Customer Loyalty Analyst

A Customer Loyalty Analyst is a professional who interprets customer data to understand factors influencing loyalty, aiming to develop strategies that increase customer retention.

Customer Loyalty Consultant

A Customer Loyalty Consultant is a professional who helps businesses improve customer retention and satisfaction, ultimately increasing revenue.

Customer Loyalty Director

A Customer Loyalty Director is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to improve customer loyalty and retention.

Customer Loyalty Manager

A Customer Loyalty Manager is a professional who manages customer retention and loyalty strategies to ensure customer satisfaction and boost business profitability.

Customer Loyalty Specialist

A Customer Loyalty Specialist is a professional focused on maintaining and enhancing a company's relationship with its customers to increase customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.

Customer Loyalty Strategist

A Customer Loyalty Strategist is a professional who develops strategies to foster customer loyalty, leading to increased business profits and growth.

Customer Retention

Customer retention refers to strategies used by businesses to encourage repeat business and loyalty from their existing customer base.

Customer Retention Specialist

A Customer Retention Specialist is a professional responsible for managing customer relationships and ensuring customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a target market into subsets of consumers with common needs and interests.

Customer Segmentation Software

Customer Segmentation Software is a tool that helps businesses categorize their customers into distinct groups based on common characteristics for more targeted marketing.

Customer Segmentation Strategies

Customer Segmentation Strategies refer to the practice of dividing a company's customers into groups reflecting similarity among customers in each group to maximize the value of each customer to the business.
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