LTV or Lifetime Value is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. It is a critical metric in business and marketing.


LTV, or Lifetime Value, is a prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. It is a critical metric in business and marketing, as it helps companies understand the economic value of their customer base and guide their marketing strategies effectively.

Usage and Context

LTV is used across various industries, especially in digital marketing, e-commerce, and SaaS (Software as a Service) companies. It is calculated by multiplying the average purchase value, average purchase frequency rate, and average customer lifespan. By understanding the LTV, businesses can make informed decisions about customer acquisition, retention, and overall marketing budget.


What is the importance of LTV?

LTV is essential as it helps businesses understand how much revenue they can expect a customer to generate over their lifetime. It enables them to determine how much they should spend on acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones.

How is LTV calculated?

LTV is calculated by multiplying the average purchase value, average purchase frequency rate, and average customer lifespan.

Related Software

Several software and tools can help businesses calculate and track LTV, including Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, and Mixpanel.


LTV is beneficial for businesses as it helps them understand their customers' value, make informed marketing decisions, and optimize their marketing budget. It also aids in improving customer retention strategies and identifying potential high-value customers.


In conclusion, LTV is a critical business metric that helps companies understand the economic value of their customer base and guide their marketing strategies effectively.

Related Terms

CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)

Learn about Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), a key business metric that helps in understanding the cost of acquiring a new customer.

CAC:LTV (Customer Acquisition Cost to Lifetime Value Ratio)

The CAC:LTV ratio is a business metric assessing the cost of acquiring a new customer against the revenue they generate over their lifetime.

Customer Retention

Customer retention refers to strategies used by businesses to encourage repeat business and loyalty from their existing customer base.

Customer Retention Specialist

A Customer Retention Specialist is a professional responsible for managing customer relationships and ensuring customer loyalty and satisfaction.
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