Prevision refers to the ability to foresee, predict, or anticipate future events or outcomes. It is widely used in various sectors including economics, healthcare, risk management, and software development.


Prevision, derived from the Latin term 'praevidere', means to foresee, predict, or anticipate something beforehand. In a broader sense, prevision is the capability to anticipate possible future events and outcomes. It is closely linked to forecasting and prediction, involving a certain degree of foresight and forethought.

Usage and Context

Prevision is widely used in various sectors including economics, healthcare, risk management, and even in software development. Economists use prevision to anticipate market trends and fluctuations. In healthcare, prevision plays a crucial role in predicting disease outbreaks and managing healthcare resources efficiently. In the field of risk management, prevision is used to predict potential risks and take precautionary measures to mitigate them.

In software development, prevision is used in predictive analytics, where historical data is used to predict future outcomes. It is also used in machine learning algorithms to predict future trends or outcomes.


What is the importance of prevision?

Prevision allows organizations to anticipate future events or outcomes, which helps in strategic planning and decision making. It helps in mitigating risks and managing resources efficiently.

How is prevision used in software development?

In software development, prevision is used in predictive analytics and machine learning to predict future trends or outcomes based on historical data.

Related Software

Some of the software related to prevision includes predictive analytics software like IBM SPSS Statistics, RapidMiner, and SAS Advanced Analytics. Machine learning software like TensorFlow, Apache Mahout, and Scikit-learn also use prevision to predict future trends or outcomes.


Prevision offers numerous benefits. It allows for strategic planning, helps in risk mitigation, and efficient resource management. It also enables organizations to stay ahead of the competition by anticipating market trends and customer behavior.


In conclusion, prevision is a crucial aspect in various sectors, helping organizations to predict future trends or outcomes, mitigate risks, and manage resources efficiently. With the advancement in technology, the use of prevision in software development and machine learning is increasing, providing accurate and reliable predictions.

Related Terms

ML (Machine Learning)

Machine Learning (ML) is a subfield of AI that enables computers to learn from data and make decisions or predictions.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a technology that uses data analysis to predict future events based on historical data. It involves the use of statistical algorithms, machine learning techniques, and AI.
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