Return On Sales (ROS) is a financial ratio used to measure a company's profitability. It's calculated by dividing net income by total sales.


Return on Sales (ROS) is a financial ratio that is often used to measure the profitability of a company. It is calculated by dividing net income by total sales. The result is expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the more efficient the company is at converting sales into profits.

Usage and Context

ROS can be used in a variety of contexts, but it is most commonly used in financial analysis and business planning. For example, a company might use ROS to compare its performance to that of its competitors or to track its performance over time. If the company's ROS is increasing, this could indicate that the company is becoming more efficient and profitable. On the other hand, a decreasing ROS could suggest that the company's costs are increasing or that its sales are decreasing.


What is a good Return on Sales ratio?

A good Return on Sales ratio can vary depending on the industry. However, a ROS of 5-10% is generally considered good.

How can a company improve its Return on Sales?

A company can improve its ROS by increasing sales, reducing costs, or a combination of both.

Related Software

There are many types of software that can help businesses calculate and track their Return on Sales. Some examples include QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks.


The main benefit of using ROS is that it provides a clear measure of a company's profitability. It can help businesses identify areas where they can improve efficiency and reduce costs.


In conclusion, Return on Sales is a useful metric for businesses to track their profitability and efficiency. While it can vary depending on the industry, a good ROS is generally considered to be between 5-10%.

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