Time To Market (TTM) is the period from product conception to its availability for sale. It's a crucial business metric influencing competitiveness and revenue generation.


Time to Market (TTM) is a crucial metric in business strategy, referring to the length of time it takes from a product being conceived until its being available for sale. TTM is significant as it is directly linked to a company's ability to compete effectively and efficiently in the marketplace. The shorter the TTM, the quicker the revenue generation.

Usage and Context

TTM is used across numerous industries, especially in fast-paced sectors like technology where getting a product to market before competitors can be a significant advantage. It's also crucial in seasonal industries, like fashion or agriculture, where timing is everything. TTM can be influenced by various factors, such as product complexity, market demand, production processes, regulatory environment, and supply chain efficiency.


What is the importance of Time to Market?

A shorter TTM can provide a competitive advantage as it allows for quicker revenue generation, earlier customer feedback, and a head start against competitors.

How can Time to Market be reduced?

TTM can be reduced by streamlining production processes, improving project management, utilizing agile methodologies, and enhancing cross-functional collaboration.

Related Software

Project management software like Asana, Trello, or Jira can help manage and reduce TTM by streamlining workflows and improving efficiency. PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) software can also be helpful.


Reducing TTM can lead to faster revenue generation, improved competitiveness, better customer satisfaction, and increased market share. It also allows for quicker customer feedback, which can be used to make improvements to the product.


In conclusion, Time to Market (TTM) is a critical metric in business that measures the time from product conception to availability for sale. By understanding and optimizing TTM, businesses can gain a competitive edge, increase revenues, and improve customer satisfaction.

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