A webinar is a live, online event that allows for interaction between a presenter and audience, used for learning, collaboration, and communication.


A webinar is a live, online event that is executed on the internet. It is an educational or instructive session that includes audio and visual communication between a speaker and attendees. Webinar software enables the sharing of slides and interactive participation through chat boxes and Q&A features.

Usage and Context

Webinars are used for a variety of purposes, including professional training, product demonstrations, sales presentations, and more. They enable companies and individuals to reach large groups of people regardless of their location. Webinars are interactive and enable real-time discussions and the ability to give, receive and discuss information.


What is the difference between a webinar and a webcast?

A webinar is typically more interactive and involves participation between the presenter and the audience. A webcast, on the other hand, is a broadcast of an event over the internet where the audience does not interact with the presenter.

How do attendees participate in a webinar?

Attendees can listen to the presenter and use chat or Q&A features in the webinar software to ask questions or make comments.

Related Software

There are numerous webinar software available in the market. Some of the popular ones include Zoom, GoToWebinar, WebEx, and Adobe Connect.


Webinars are cost-effective as they remove the need for travel and accommodation. They offer a convenient way to deliver content to a geographically dispersed audience. They also provide an opportunity for businesses to generate leads and convert them into customers.


In conclusion, webinars are a powerful tool for online learning, collaboration, and communication. They offer a unique opportunity for organizations to engage with their audience in a highly interactive environment.

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