Tweet Hunter

Helping creators and founders grow an audience and drive business results from Twitter.

Tweet Hunter
The AI-powered Twitter tool that helps you grow your audience.
France 🇫🇷
Company Size
Our customer support was starting to take up a lot of the team's time. So we wanted to help users help themselves with an easy to install tool that non-technical team members could use daily.
The core feature we wanted was a proper Help Center. We like handling complicated cases over email, but what we didn't have was a place for users to get their answers to all the more common questions they were asking about Tweet Hunter.
The ratio between easy/hard customer cases switched completely when we opened up emails. We had more time to focus on people who had complex issues, and reduced easy-to-answer tickets.
Can you give a brief description of your company?

The AI-powered Twitter tool that helps you grow your audience.

"We have more time to focus on people who have complex issues, and reduced easy-to-answer tickets."
TomCEO @ TweetHunter
How have you benefited from using Customerly?

Our team saved precious time, and users were able to onboard themselves more easily.

Do you have any metrics that has been improved by using Customerly?

Easy-to-answer tickets were reduced by 50%+

How Customerly has improved your team work?

It's quite easy to collaborate on Customerly. And it's saved us time in solving tickets which allows us to have talks about more important topics.

How has Customerly improved your day-to-day life?

Even if I still get some easy-to-answer questions about Tweet Hunter, I can now point them easily towards the proper space instead of taking 10min to write it up. My friends and family thank me for being more available!

What's the coolest feature Customerly has?

The Help Center for sure! But I'm going to start playing with the AI-powered replies soon.

Why did you choose us over the competition?

Price and ease of use.

What would you say to other businesses facing the same challenges as you did?

Don't do it just for yourself and your team, do it for your customers too!

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AI Support That Sets You Apart — Start Leading Today.

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  • tweethunter
  • team-system-fatture-In-cloud
  • appinstitute
  • cookie-script
  • epayco
  • njlitics
  • paykickstart
  • nibol
  • startupgeeks
  • paymo
  • tedx
  • tweethunter
  • team-system-fatture-In-cloud